In recent years, more and more people are turning to the lasting experience of traditional healers, and healers. The main reason – the lack of qualification of medical experts, as well as special pricing policies of private clinics.
Advantages of non-traditional approaches:
- Efficiency, proven for centuries. Dozens of centuries in the, people were not other means for the treatment of diseases, with the exception of the use for the therapeutic properties of natural ingredients. Due to the fact that humanity is not extinct, and even increased in number, it can be concluded that the method operates;
- Security. Natural ingredients, of course, also have contraindications and cause unwanted side effects, however their list is much shorter than the list of limitations, mentioned in the annotation to the artificially synthesized medicines;
- Prevention. Many of the potions are related to the means of prevention of various diseases, claim that it is better to prevent a disease, than then long to treat it, does not require evidence;
- Austerity. The cost of medicinal plants is lower than that of pharmacy drugs, but with proper care, interest, and efforts to supplement the first aid kit, it is possible, and self – most of the grasses growing everywhere;
- Easy to use. Many of the potions are intended for drinking from 1 to 3 times a day the same doses and do not require complex treatment scheme, in which some are confused;
- A stable result. To natural ingredients it, it requires a certain time for 3 days not work, however, the resulting effect persists for a long time.
Herbal medicines from the field of folk medicine are safe, have no side effects and is available on the value. It is easy to prepare on their own. The healers claim that it is the best folk medicine for the potency of men — the tea prepared from bumps hop, it is recommended to drink an infusion of st. john's wort, Pasternak.

All of these herbs that the potency in men — folk remedies, which to us from the time when official medicine was not developed. Before you is a folk remedy to increase potency quickly and safely:
- Tea with hops. Take 10 grams (a large spoon) dried bumps of hop, pour a glass of water and bring to a boil. Hold on a water bath helena on low heat for 5 minutes. Taken daily in the morning and evening for half a glass of 2 months.
- A decoction of st. john's wort. Buy in pharmacy packs of dried st. john's wort perforatum, pour 2 tablespoons of the plant in 250 ml boiling water and tightly close the lid. To prepare the infusion, it is advisable to use a thermos. Over an hour, strain the drink and drink it during the a few tricks in the course of the day. St. john's wort helps with problems with blood circulation, which means that it is useful for an erection.
- Parsnip sowing. This grass improves potency and strengthens the immunity. so the infusion Pasternak useful to drink from time to time, even when special health problems, not to see. Preparation: 2 tablespoons of dried root vegetables, pour into a thermos with a glass of boiling water. Over two hours the infusion is ready. Strain and take ⅓ cup 20 minutes before a meal. The pleasant taste of the drink will add honey helena fruit syrup to taste.
Improvement of potency in men folk remedies is achieved with the help of food. A mixture of nuts and honey — an effective and tasty folk remedy to improve the potency. To eat this delicacy after a meal as dessert, and you'll see how manly strength will come back to you.
Cottage cheese, yogurt, natural yogurt, cheeses also help the body to restore sexual function. Probably in your diet is missing, it is just the food. Buy a dairy products medium and high fat, low-fat dairy products deprived of useful properties.
Men it is always important to be in the "form".
There are a lot of natural medicinal products, which will be able to quickly restore your potency. We describe the most effective.
Honey and nuts
The combination of these components is striking in its own set of useful trace elements. Honey is a miracle acts on the male potency, walnut is a stimulant to the male libido. Restore erectile function, you need to eat at least 150 grams of nuts, 50 grams of honey.
It is a plant constantly speaks out in the media to increase the potency. And an ulterior motive. Ginseng not only dilates blood vessels, and saturated fatty acids sexual organ blood flow and oxygen, but it is a kind of aphrodisiac.
It is possible to tincture of ginseng themselves by buying the dry powder in the pharmacy. Cooking is not difficult: it is necessary to take 1 tbsp of ginseng and pour a glass of boiling water. Once the liquid has cooled, strain and drink twice a day, morning and evening.
Carrot juice
Carrots contains carotene, zinc, which is qualitatively effect on the potency. Carrot fresh better to do the part, this means eating only freshly prepared juice. For better effect it is worth it to add 0.5 tsp of honey.
Juice drink three times a day 200 ml. Immediately there is a need to qualify and warn practitioners of this method of restoring erectile function: similar to the fresh can change the color of the urine. If a man sees orange urine – the fear is not worth it. This carrot dye.
This plant, since ancient times was considered curative. Today it is often used in supplements to improve potency. Nettle – this is a gold mine of trace elements and vitamins. This herb not only increases male libido but also cleans the blood vessels of toxins and blockage.
If you drink a decoction a day, then the next day you can feel a surge of energy, cheerfulness and a kind of lightness of your body. Of course, that the nettle also has an effect on the stimulation of the sexual organ. For the preparation of the healing elixir it is necessary to take 1 articles l. of dried nettle and pour a glass of boiling water. Drink the decoction on after a lapse of 30 minutes twice a day.
It has long been used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis, adenoma, as well as for the potency of men. The main ingredient is zinc, which is a "lifesaver" for men. To prepare a decoction of of the the thyme it is necessary to take 150 grams of dried cauliflower and pour 250 ml of water. Drink the broth during the day.
If you want to quickly and efficiently increase strength in three days it is necessary to cook a few magical drinks that stimulate the arousal of the penis. Increase potency in one day, it won't work, but the effect will come very fast.
Aspen bark
The bark of this tree has amazing properties. First of all, it has anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels and cleans them. Moreover, with proper preparation of the decoction of she immediately acts on the male potency.
Cook the wrong way, it is practically impossible. You need to take 200 grams. crust (you can buy it at the drugstore) and pour one liter of boiling water. The important thing is we keep the broth. It is better to stand in a cool place for 30-60 minutes. Drink after 100-150 gr. three times per day.

This root activates the male power. With the help of this plant can not only enhance potency, but also to prevent disease, such as forgive, adenoma, impotence. This fragrant plant a beneficial effect on the whole organism.
To prepare it, is a piece of cake. You can simply grind on a grater root, take 1 tsp and add to your favorite tea. It is also considered a great way to cook ginger with honey. The ratio of 50:50, i.e. 100 grams.
There is another recipe, which, according to the evaluation of the experienced, is able to increase the potency in one day.
White wine
On the basis of this intoxicating beverage, produces a powerful sexual stimulant, in which the effect is observed within half an hour an hour.
Recipe: buy a liter of wine, add a glass of orange juice and 0.5 cups citric acid. Then put 2 tbsp. l. honey, cardamom, mint leaves, liqueur 1 tbsp of smoothie turns out delicious and in this "powerful".
But there is a catch: this elixir is to be warmed up on the stove (avoid the microwave) not bringing to the boil. But after that, how it is cooked, it is necessary to pour it three days ago. Then the natural stimulator can be applied directly before sex.
Speaking of folk remedies to increase potency in older men and middle-aged, it is worth it to start with the most common additives for the production of medicinal infusions and herbal extracts. They are leaves, grass and stems of medicinal plants.
Useful for boosting sexual activity are considered to be:
- Tribulus terrestris. The plant has a number of important properties, one of which is the stimulus. When used as a tincture helps to stabilize the erectile function. For its preparation you need is 20-30 g of crushed dry raw materials, pour 300 grams of vodka and insist, for a period of 1 week in a dark place. Then drain and eat at 10-20 drops once a day.
- Nettle nettle. The augmented plant with a strong effect. To increase the potency of used water tincture. Cook simply — 1 tablespoon of raw pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 2 hours and light 3 intake per day. So you can repeat it in two weeks, it is also appropriate to do a week's break.
- Ginseng and Siberian ginseng. Two famous natural booster. The most frequently applied tincture. For its preparation it is necessary to pour 10 g of crushed raw materials from each plant to 350 ml of liquid honey and last for a period of 2 weeks. Then consume 20 drops three times a day. A significant impact will be possible to mark already for 1-2 months after the start of the reception.
- Thyme. Thanks to the presence in the composition of the zinc and magnesium, the plant stimulates spermatogenesis and increases the concentration of testosterone in the blood. To achieve a strong result it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment for a period of six months. Preparing a tincture is amended as follows: 1 tablespoon of dry raw pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink — 3 times a day.
- Aprs. Its root has several unique abilities, between which and the stimulation of potency. A similar property boasts an alcohol tincture of the root of calamus. To prepare: 40-50 g of minced raw pour 200 grams of vodka. Insist the drug in a dark place for 2 weeks. Before the use shake. Take 10 drops before each meal, for a period of 3-4 months.
In what kind of trouble will help?
In the small impaired sexual function folk remedy to improve the potency of men can serve as the main drugs. More pronounced disease requires a comprehensive approach, where methods of alternative medicine belongs to a subsidiary of the company.
Using the ways of folk medicine, it is possible:
- To improve the functioning of the nervous system;
- Restore blood circulation;
- The increase in private testosterone;
- To eliminate the effects of stress;
- To strengthen the immune protection;
- Normalize processes of metabolism;
- Strengthen weak erections;
- Suppress the inflammatory process in the prostate gland.
Herbal medicines
Herbs, all sorts of fees and decoctions on the basis of, have always been able to increase the level of male power and increase the potency. There are several means for a man, local under the age of 60 years. For example, tincture of choice, which includes st. john's wort, nettle, clover and mint – 5 hr. l. each.
Referred to the grass filled with liters of boiling water and stand no less than an hour. Way of therapy — drink a glass of infusion in the day, is it fast enough to see in the order of the sexual system, contributes to the improvement in adenoma of the prostate.
Herbal folk remedy to increase potency for men include funds, prepared on the basis of:
- dried flowers of lilac (to 350 ml of boiling water should be 15 gr., drink every night);
- the root of calamus (chew the pieces, helena drinking on a glass after a whole day decoction — 20 g. root to 250 ml of slightly cool the boiled water);
- lovage (shredded 20 gr. "the medication" mix in your food every day);
- st. john's wort (last week 1 piece of dry grass in 5 parts of vodka, three times a day to 35-40 drops taken up to improve);
- parsley (boil half an hour in a water bath of 50 gr. the greens in 200 ml of water, after cooling, 15 ml of not less than 5 times per day).
Special attention to men who want to and after the "deep" 50 years to maintain sexual usefulness, worthy way to use ginseng.
Enhance male strength, stamina and retain potency helps special tincture:
- It is necessary to take crushed fresh root of ginseng (15 oz.), "drown" is in the alcohol of helen of vodka (100 ml).
- The mixture should cook a week in the darkening stretch of cool place, every day you have to mix, and after the expiry of the deadline – then drain.
- Take such folk medicine it is necessary to immediately after the manifestation of the first symptoms of male inability. Daily rate – 100-120 drops, divided into three stages.
Ginger – one of the most powerful natural aphrodisiacs for men's health. His app – a great way to increase the potency, normalizes sexual activity, increase the attractiveness, and in addition strengthen immunity.

Alternative and natural medicine allows you to use:
- tea from ginger powder (mix powder (half a teaspoon) in a glass of boiling water, after associated with recovery drink three times a day with lemon and/helena honey);
- raw pieces of the root;
- baths with the addition of dried ground ginger;
- tincture (900 ml of vodka take 400 grams. the root, in the blackout section of the site, insist 14 days, stirring regularly, strain, take twice a day for 10 gr.).